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5 ways to focus on you

Motherhood… a crazy wild journey of ups and downs. One minute you are loving your perfect little babies that you created and then five minutes later you wonder why you kids are purposely working to drive you absolutely crazy! I…


Halloween Pajamas for Girls

It’s almost the spookiest time of the year. The girls love getting into the spirit of Halloween and we’ve made it a tradition every year to buy Halloween pajamas, watch our favorite Halloween movies and make and eat all of…


Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

One of the most important things that you can do for your kids is teach them all about their heritage. I often times find many adults truly have no idea about their roots. Teaching your kids about the past and…


How to Grow on Instagram

One of the questions I get asked the most is how to grow on Instagram. While there is no perfect answer to this question, or a guaranteed way to grow, I have found a few effective strategies to grow a…


Where to find the best tacos in San Diego

Reason #565 why I love San Diego- we have the BEST tacos. This is like a known fact and if you ask any San Diegan that has moved away, they will be the first to tell you that they miss…


Staycation at the Sheraton Carlsbad

Why do weekends need to end so fast? And they somehow end even faster whenever we are on vacation. This past weekend we stayed at the Sheraton Carlsbad and it was just what we all needed. The girls were craving…


20 Ideas for your date night in

I can not remember the last time we were able to sneak away for a date night out. Pre-pandemic, Danny and I would try to schedule a date night at least once a month but of course everything has changed.…


Our homeschool space

Well I was not expecting to create a school space for Ari this year and somehow I pulled something together right before school started last week. Living in a small space can be a challenge with distance learning. My “office”…


New spin on lunch time- PB&J Skewers w/ SKIPPY® Peanut Butter (…

This post is in paid partnership with SKIPPY® Peanut Butter and Kroger Co. All opinions are my own. Summer came and went way too fast for us. Even with the school year getting pushed back, I still felt like I…


6 Tips for planning your resort stay during the pandemic

The pandemic has taken a huge hit on travel. Staying at a resort may be worrisome for some people but most resorts are taking precautions to ensure guests have a safe stay during these difficult times. We took a staycation…


Back to School Shoe Shopping with Famous Footwear

Thank you to Famous Footwear for kindly sponsoring this post. All opinions are 100% honest & completely my own. School is just a few weeks away and even though we’ll be learning remotely through the end of the school year,…


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