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Morning habits to incorporate in the new year

A new year is the perfect time to make small changes to your morning routine. Starting your day off on the right foot is beneficial in so many ways. Not only are you able to get more done by waking…


Easy New Year’s Resolutions That You Can Stick to in 2021

This time of year is always filled with a ton of emotions- and this year more than ever. It could be eagerness for the approaching new year and the endless positive opportunities that could come along with it or uneasiness…


The best places to shop for matching family outfits

Even before Arianna was born, I was already planning matching outfits for her and I. We pretty matched matched or color coordinated everywhere we went since she was born and it was really just our norm. Sometimes, we’d get Danny…


How to manage stress during the holidays

The holiday season are supposed to be “the happiest time of the year”, however, for some, it could be considered the most stressful time of the year. During the months of November and December, people all around the world partake…


Staying on track with your health during the pandemic

This post is sponsored by Heal; all opinions are my own  Taking care of our health has always been important but now more than ever we need to take extra care of ourselves. Extra hand washing, social distancing, and taking extra…


Road Trip Prep- Winter-proofing your vehicle!

This post is in partnership with Autotrader and Kelley Blue Book; all opinions are my own  My favorite time of year to road trip is during the winter. There’s just something about being in a warm, cozy car when it’s…


Cozy & affordable loungewear for the winter

Like we need an excuse to only wear loungwear? I feel like this year I went through the phases of: wearing loungewear, getting over it and dressing up for no reason (still with no where to go), living in a…


North Park- San Diego’s trendiest neighborhood

Over the past several years, North Park has grown into one of San Diego’s most hip and trendy neighborhoods. Not only is North Park big on the restaurant/bar scene, it is also home to many small businesses, curated shops and…


Quick ways to reach your end of year financial goals

We were just talking about the last quarter of 2020 and now we are in the last month of the year! Woah! Not sure where 2020 went but it seriously flew by, pandemic and all. It feels like we just…


Gift guide for adventurous kids

Our van build is coming along you guys! I am so excited to see the progress come together and can not wait for all of the adventures we are going to have. Okay, I promise I will save all the…


Christmas Gifts your kids will play with over and over again

I’ve become much more intentional with my gifting. From heirloom clothing items that can get passed down to both girls, to wooden high-quality gifts that I know they will play with over and over again. Rather than purchasing a large…


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