6 Tips for planning your resort stay during the pandemic

The pandemic has taken a huge hit on travel. Staying at a resort may be worrisome for some people but most resorts are taking precautions to ensure guests have a safe stay during these difficult times.

We took a staycation a couple of weeks ago and have another resort stay planned in the next couple of weeks.

Here are some tips to ensure your resort stay during the pandemic is safe, and fun for the whole family.

1. Ask about safety measures

Most resorts will have their safety precautions and measures listed on their website, but giving the hotel a call to go over all of their safety measures is 100% okay too. Ask the hotel what capacity they are filling the hotel to and how they are ensuring guests stick to social distancing when on the property. Also take a look at the city’s current rules/regulations so you know how to handle public spaces as well.

2. Plan your dining ahead of time

Many resorts are operating at a limited dining capacity, and this likely means they are only taking reservations for dining as well. Reservations fill up quickly so you will need to plan your meals ahead of time if you’d like to dine out. Many hotels also have room service closed right now and more convenient “on the go” options may be closed as well. if you are traveling with kids, pack snacks for in between meals to keep in your room.

3. Double up on safety

I always pack extra masks for the whole family in case something happens- if your kids drop one on the floor, or lose one, you will want to have a backup handy so you can still enjoy your stay. I always keep antibacterial in my purse and also give the girls a small one to keep in their bags as well. Teach kids to wash their hands more often when out in public and don’t forget about washing hands after touching doors or elevator buttons. The safer, the better.

4. Schedule your pool time

If you are staying at a hotel with a pool, some may require reservations. Check with the hotel to see if reservations or time limits are in place to avoid crowds. We also like to bring our own pool towels to avoid accidentally picking up the wrong towel when at the pool.

5. Plan your trip during off season

This is a tricky one as it’s hard to tell when this off season will be but if possible plan your trips during weekdays and avoid holiday weekends. While most hotels are only allowing 30% capacity, you can also call to see how booked they are for the time to plan on staying.

6. Sanitize your items

When getting home from your hotel stay, wash all your clothes and sanitize your luggage. This may seem like a given but I know getting home from a vacation can be exhausting. If you do this as soon as you get home, you can protect yourself from any unwanted germs being brought into your home.

Remember to have fun! Enjoy your vacation and take the necessary precautions to ensure the safety of your family.


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