Back to School Shoe Shopping with Famous Footwear

Thank you to Famous Footwear for kindly sponsoring this post. All opinions are 100% honest & completely my own.

School is just a few weeks away and even though we’ll be learning remotely through the end of the school year, I want the girls to feel some sense “normal” as we head into this new chapter of distance learning and Ari heads into the first grade!

I still remember as a kid going back to school shopping for new shoes with my mom. I looked forward to every single year and we always made a day out of it. She would let me choose one pair of shoes that I loved, and then she would choose one “practical” pair for everyday wear. Now as a mom—I totally get it. I get the excitement of seeing your kids try on shoes they love, because they make them feel good.

We went shoe shopping at Famous Footwear and the girls were so excited with the variety of options that they had available in store. They must have tried on at least 10 pairs of shoes each before ultimately deciding on some light up Minnie Mouse shoes. Just seeing how happy they were, jumping up and down, to show off those lights, it made me so happy.

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