What I’m using to keep our room organized

With quarantine keeping us all home, I know so many of us are feeling extra motivated to tidy up our spaces. I shared a few months ago that we sold our first condo and were house hunting. With all the uncertainty in the housing market- we decided to put this on hold and will be staying with my mom until all of this passes.

So living in a small bedroom has forced us to get organized and declutter. You can see where the problem is here when we were selling our condo to upgrade our space and had to downgrade even more.

First things first, I condensed our space by putting all of our fall/winter gear into the Ziploc shrink bags. If you haven’t tried them- they are AMAZING. This is all the perfect time to sell and donate stuff you no longer need. It’s amazing how much still we hold on to that we don’t need.

Once we simplified our stuff, I purchased a few items from Ikea. I really wanted a wardrobe system to house all the girls dresses, shoes, accessories, etc. and I love the one we got. We got the Songesand from Ikea and it comes with shelves and enough storage to fit all their stuff. I also purchased a few dressers that we’ll use in the girls’ room once we do end up buying our home.

To say we have a ton of stuff even after decluttering is an understatement. I really tried to keep just what we need but still between me + the girls, we have a ton of jewelry, hair accessories, etc. I love purchasing storage stuff to help keep everything organized and all Ikea storing bins and baskets are really reasonably priced (linked them all below).

I also like using miscellaneous boxes to help store our stuff too. These Birchbox boxes are my fav and they are what my monthly subscription comes in every month so it’s a win-win.

Last year I attended an event with a Kon Marie specialist and she shared all the different ways you can organize your home with stuff you already have- anything from iPhone boxes to mason jars can be super handy when it comes to organizing your space. In other words, you don’t need to run out and buy things to help tidy up, I’m sure you have stuff laying around you can totally use for storage.

For example, I always get the girls cute and neutral Easter baskets so I can then use them around the house for storage. This year they got a white wire basket and I’m using it for all of their scarves and hats. It’s a perfect way to make use of the stuff you already own and you can save some money too.

If you plan to purchase some of the items from Ikea that I used, note that they are currently closed in the US as of right now but they do offer shipping. It took a few weeks for me to get my order due to COVID but it was well worth it.

Oh and you can read more of my organization tips here.

Links to all of our storage solutions:


Set of 3 boxes with lids

Grey baskets

White/grey box with wood lid

Basket with handles

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