How I organized my kids room using the KonMari Method™

This post is in partnership with Shea Homes; all opinions are my own.

My kids have so much STUFF. Between birthdays, Christmas gifts and everything else in between, the girls have collected a growing collection of toys they no longer play with and clothes that no longer fit. We live in a three-bedroom townhouse and I started to feel like there was stuff everywhere.

Last week, I attended a lifestyle event with Shea Homes at their neighborhood One Oak in Encinitas where I learned all about the KonMari Method™ and easy tips I could do at home. Gold Certified KonMari Method Consultant Tricia Fidler from Heywood Park Collective gave some amazing tips and I’m here to share them with you. (Watch my 5-minute interview with Tricia here)

Tip #1

If you are beginning your process of tidying up, you will want to start with your clothes. Clothes define who we are and it’s the closest thing to us. It’s so easy to hold on to clothes we don’t need or fit because they bring back a certain memory. I started with the girls’ closet and felt so attached to a lot of the baby clothes that no longer fit. I decided to keep a couple of items as keepsakes but the rest I put aside to donate or sell. I had to come to the realization that it was just collecting dust and no longer being used and I was finally able to let go!

Tip #2

When you’re organizing items, place like with like. You don’t need to go out and purchase fancy boxes and can use things you already have laying around. I purchased several bins for the girls toy room at Target, I filled one up with legos and another one with train pieces. I also used larger bins for balls and stuffed animals. If it didn’t fit in these bins, then we downsized and put stuff aside to donate.

Tip #3

Tidying up not only sparks joy in your home, but it’s also a major cleansing process. Now is the time to get rid of items that spark unwanted emotions or bring back bad memories. You only want to keep items that fill your home with happiness. If it doesn’t serve a purpose and it’s not something you love, there is no reason you should be holding on to it!

If you are based in San Diego, make sure you keep up with Shea Homes for upcoming KonMari Method™ events as well as other lifestyle events throughout the next few months. The next one is taking place in Chula Vista on April 27th; I hope to see you there!

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  1. Kris
    April 16, 2019 / 3:10 pm

    Thanks for the tips! I was hoping for more haha but anyway these are great and I hope to implement this method when it comes to my kids toys. I feel like they have too many. They don’t really play everything but I can’t simply let go of their toys. We already trimmed them down but still it seems like they have a lot.

  2. April 17, 2019 / 12:00 am

    Great tips! I would love to attend one of these events. Will have to see if there are any in the Phoenix area 🙂

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