How fixing our credit empowered our lives

Thank you for sponsoring this post.’s team understands that a credit score is not just a number; it’s a lifestyle.

I’ve been wanting to talk about this topic for a LONG time. While talking about credit scores may seem like a scary topic for those who may have a low score, it’s important to know that your credit score is not set in stone. Positive changes can easily be made to get you where you need to be! I’m completely open about my journey and hope I can inspire some of you.

My credit score took a hit after purchasing our first home two years ago, we had so many things that we needed to purchase and it was so much easier to just swipe our credit card and you know, worry about it later. Before I knew it, I owed thousands of dollars on credit cards and my score was dropping month after month.

I’m not going to lie, I was extremely discouraged for a while and then about six months ago I told my husband that we really needed to make some changes. Our pile of debt was not going to disappear and it was time for us to take charge of it.

One by one, we started tackling our credit cards. We started by paying off the cards with the least debt and slowly started to pay them off. Our credit scores were both improving and I finally saw a light at the end of the tunnel!

Taking charge of your credit score is easy and there are great resources out there. is a leading provider of credit report repair in the U.S. and they work to empower individuals to achieve the credit score they deserve!

Taking the plunge sounds scary but it is SO worth it. In just six months we have almost paid off all of our debt. We’ve paid off all our vacations this year before we even traveled and are now working towards buying a bigger home early next year.  It’s beyond exciting to see how far we’ve come and we are looking forward to these new opportunities. 

I feel like I have a breath of fresh air and actually get excited about checking my score each month (no lie). I enjoy tracking my credit cards, seeing my debt go down and my score improved and I’ve been able to enjoy outings so much more by paying cash, as well as putting money aside from the future. 

My goal is to be credit card free by the end of the year and now that I’m well informed on credit card debt, I know I will never let myself fall into that position again. The good news is that we are humans and we live from our mistakes. We do better and we live better. We still travel, enjoy eating out, going to the movies, etc. but are much more cautious in what we spend our money on. 

It’s been a journey, let me tell you, but I can’t wait until we get to where we need to be. I want to set an example for my kids at a young age that everything in life costs money. I never want my kids to think things are handed to you. I’m never afraid to tell them that I don’t have extra cash for something because I know it teaches them the value of money and saving for what you want in life. 

You never know what your bad credit is costing you. Know your credit. Repair your reports. Live your life.

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