How to have a healthy and happy marriage

The base of a strong family is a strong marriage and while every relationship has its high and low points, focusing on each other and working to create a healthy and happy marriage is so important.

It’s funny when they said at the beginning of this pandemic that all of this time isolated from the world is either going to make or break a relationship and it is SO true. It either made you realize that you can spend infinite amount of time with the person you love or maybe it makes you realize that the person you are with drives you a bit crazy (hey that’s okay too).

Lucky for us, Danny and I have been closer than ever. And as much as it would be nice to say that this just naturally happens, that is NOT the case. Marriage is a lot of work and both partners need to be equally committed to growing that relationship.

One way relationships just don’t work… so let’s start here. If you and your significant other are ready to bring your relationship to the next level, you both need to be on the same page. Equal parts. Equal work. Equal love. Equal respect. Equal chores… you get the point.

Once you and your partner get on board to equally working towards your relationship, it’s time to focus on that communication.


This probably sounds like something you’ve heard before, right? It’s so true though! Communication during the good and bad times is so important. If something is bothering you, do not put it on the back burner. You need to speak up so your partner know there’s an issue and stops the behavior. Vise versa- do not get offensive if your partner confront you with an issue. Listen to what he/she has to say and talk out ways to resolve the problem.


Respecting boundaries and space is so important. While a health relationship certainly looks like two couples totally in love- couples also need to have their own interests and own life personally. Respect your significant other if they take on a hobby alone and support their interests.


Carve out time for each other every single day. Put the phones away, turn off the TV and just connect. Talk about your day, your dreams, your goals, etc. Share anything on your mind and encourage your partner to do the same.

Date your spouse

To be honest- Danny and I have not been on a “real date” in a year… but we still manage to date each other. Hear me out… we haven’t felt safe going out to a restaurant to do a traditional date but we have found what works for us. Once a week my in laws take the kids and we have a date night to ourselves at home… dinner, movie, etc. whatever it is. It’s uninterrupted time and so good for our relationship.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the everyday life of kids and their needs and this time allows us to focus on ourselves and each other.

Fall in love over and over again

Do you remember what drew you to falling in love with your s/o? Remind them why you fell in love with them and continue to show your love for each other throughout the week. Simple love notes, acts of kindness, or touch can show each other the love is still alive.

It’s important to remember that a healthy marriage is a lot of work. It’s like a tree- you have to nourish it, it grows, it can dry out in some seasons, but it does not mean it has died.

We could all use a little more love these days and these simple acts will help both you and your husband feel more loved.

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