Winter favorites- our picks for moms and girls

It only took until mid-November for the weather to start cooling down in San Diego but finally…sweater weather is here. And our idea of sweater weather in San Diego basically means the weather has dropped under 70 degrees.

I feel like the amount of winter clothes I have, I might as well live somewhere were we get real winters, but nevertheless I embrace the season and the weather we have and still rock the winter clothes as if were 40 degrees outside.

This year, I am super into comfy basics. I mean, we are all still spending a lot of time at home and I want to be comfortable. It makes me feel better in the mornings when I get ready so cozy cute clothes are currently my favorite. Plus- I am super into neutrals and soft pinks.

Since I like to naturally coordinate our family’s color schemes when it comes to clothes, I tend to shop for everyone’s winter clothes at the same time. The girls love soft pinks and blues, so we’ve incorporated a lot of that into their outfits this year and have found a lot of really cute sweaters for lounging at home and distance learning.

Here’s my top picks for winter basics:

The girls’ top picks for winter basics:

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