Tips for Growing on Instagram

Between a 9 to 5 job, mom life, and a blog, you can say my hands are full. My days are long and hectic, but my drive and my motivation keep me going.

To be quite honest—some days I’m just trying to survive. Knock out my workload, keep my kids alive and handle any business that needs to be taken care of that day. Then there’s those days that I come across some sort of super power and I’m able to accomplish a million and one things.

I started blogging almost a year ago and I didn’t really know where the road was going to take me. I put in a lot of time and effort but saw little return in the beginning. About 7 months in, I landed my first big partnership. I never thought I could make an income from blogging and I instantly became so motivated to grow this little business of mine. Since then, I’ve worked with brands like Dove, The Children’s Place, OshKosh, Target, Aveeno, L’Occitane and many, many more!

After landing my first partnership, I started working on my Instagram presence. It’s a booming platform and I saw how much potential there was for growth, brand partnerships, etc.  I connected with other bloggers in my niche and we started our own little community. We gave advice to each other, offered suggestions, contacts, etc.

Trust me, I understand how difficult it is to grow your following on Instagram. I lose and gain followers every single day. There’s times when I see a spike in my followers after my profile comes up on the discover page or a feature can get me a burst of followers, but then there’s those periods where it feels like there’s no growth at all. The important part is to not feel discouraged and keep working at it.

A few tips that helped me:

  • Create a community of bloggers in your niche
  • Engage with your followers—respond to comments, DMs, etc.
  • Incorporate hashtags and tag companies for a shot at being featured
  • Always include a location on your posts
  • Partner with bloggers and businesses for giveaways within your niche
  • Post at peak times

The potential for Instagram growth is endless and so many brands are looking for influencers to work with. I’ve worked with so many brands on Instagram specific campaigns, which just shows how powerful the platform is. Brands you use everyday are wanting to work with people like you, it’s just a matter of getting out there and showcasing your creativity!

I’m so excited to attend SD Business Babes’ event tomorrow where they’re going to be talking all about Instagram growth at The Point on Mission Bay. It’s going to be a great event where you’ll be able to establish connections, hear from local influencers and have some drinks at an awesome location. Event details are below and you can purchase tickets here!



Tuesday, July 24, 2018

6:30 PM  9:00 PM

The Point on Mission Bay

1010 Santa Clara Place San Diego, CA, 92109 United States (map)



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