Tackling messes with Brawny

This post was sponsored by Kroger; all opinions are my own.

Two-year olds are notorious for being messy, clingy, and just plain wild…right? The girls are polar opposites and I honestly didn’t experience terrible-twos with Ari so this is all new territory for me. The talking back, the mess making, the eye rolls, how is this already happening at just two?  

To top things off, Nati has no fear when it comes to getting in trouble, she tells me that it’s all fine. Just the other day she decided to get into the dishwasher, while it was on, to play in the soapy water and I’m not kidding that I have stories like this coming up on the d a i l y.

I’m constantly chasing her around and cleaning up her messy tracks. Brawny Tear-A-Square from Kroger saves the day more times than not at our house. Spaghetti on the floor, sticky hands, or a dirty face? No problem, a quick wipe down and we’re back to business as planned.

Spaghetti night is by far the girls’ favorite but definitely the messiest too. I used to stress about the mess but now I just let it happen. Kids will be kids and they’re going to get messy– it can always be cleaned up.

I’m always trying to be more mindful of the trash we produce and with Tear-A-Square you only need to tear what you need. A quarter size towel can clean Nati right up. That means– less wasted paper and easier cleanup. Goodbye are the days where I would rip paper towels in half to use as napkins for dinner!

You can shop Brawny’s newest line of paper towels at Kroger or online here.

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