How To Maintain A Healthy Diet During A Busy New Year

With a new year rolling in, there are always new resolutions, and tackling the goal weight always seems to be up there on the list. 

Some people buy a gym membership and just can’t get through a full week of walking on the treadmill and some individuals fill up their entire refrigerator with fruits and veggies, only to order a Big Mac from McDonalds five minutes later (guilty with doing both of these at one point or another)!

Whether you are trying to lose some of the extra pounds you gained during the holiday season or are  working towards creating a maintainable healthy lifestyle, here are some of the simplest ways to jumpstart your health in the new year, without having to make sacrifices of the things you love. 

Be a Smart Snacker

Snacking on junk food is one of the easiest ways to gain extra weight that you don’t want! With everyone working and going to school from home, eating up all of the leftover Lays chips that have been sitting in your pantry just seems like the most convenient and satisfying thing to do. 

Instead of reaching for the potato chips or chocolate chips, think about reaching for one of the apples or bananas that have been sitting on your counter since your last grocery-store run last week! 

Other convenient and healthy snack options for when you are busy and on the go are pistachios, trail mixes, or even a boiled egg or two. I also like to keep rice cakes and protein bars on hand when I am craving something and don’t feel like prepping.

 By choosing these snacks over ones that are loaded with sugar and carbohydrates, you will help yourself  drop the pounds you’ve been carrying, while also setting yourself up for long-term success when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

Pro tip- find the temptation of junk food by avoiding purchasing it at all costs when at the store. Out of sight, out of mind!

Stop Eating Your Kid’s Leftovers 

No matter what kind of delectable meal you whip up for your kids, there will most likely always be leftovers! One of the hardest things as a parent is to look at all of my kids leftovers and think about all of the wasted food that I am going to have to throw away. Such a major pet peeve over here.

Instead of diving in and eating your kid’s meal, after you probably already ate an entire meal, package up the meal and save the rest for tomorrow and you won’t have to toss the leftovers.

You can fix this reoccurring problem by serving your kids smaller portions or prepping a bigger portion to be saved for a few days. 

By all means, stay away from your kid’s leftovers, they are every parent’s ultimate weakness when it comes to weightless!

Learn How to Effectively Meal Plan for The Week 

When I don’t know what to cook for dinner, I usually end up opening up my phone and turning to DoorDash because hello it’s convenient and we could all use a break from time to time. Problem is… I always end up getting something unhealthy and that pizza or taco combo always seems to be calling my name. 

Instead of ordering from your local taco shop last minute, begin to plan out your weekly meals! By choosing this dinner planning option, you will be able to create delicious and healthy meal options that your entire family will enjoy! 

Are you ready to kick start your health into high gear this new year? Hope these easy tips help you create a healthy lifestyle that you are able to maintain throughout the whole year. 

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