Creating a 2019 blog plan

A new year means a fresh start to new ideas! It’s so much easier getting started with a goal at the beginning of the year, that feeling of working on a blank slate just feels amazing. I know I’ve been promising more posts centered around blog tips and you can hold me accountable by this post because I am working on bringing many more topics to you.

The questions I seem to get asked the most all relate back to blog tips. How do you I work with brands? How do I communicate with them? How do I grow my following? While blogging may come naturally to some people, others have to work a bit harder at it.

I’ve always been a writer and a communicator, I have a full-time career in PR so I essentially pitch for a living. Now that I’ve established myself as a blogger, I’m now seeing the other side of things as I’m pitched daily by PR people. It’s amazing to see both aspects of the field and I’ve learned so much from this.

My background in PR and marketing has really taught me so many skills that have helped me establish some of my dream partnerships early-on in my blogging journey and I am here to share them with you.

Tips for making a blog plan

  • Create a list of goals. Your goals are going to be unique to you. Find a goal that’s realistic and work hard at it. If you want to work with a specific brand, create a dream list. Or maybe your goal is to grow your following, create a list of the different ways you can make that happen!
  • Practice your pitching. If you’re sending out pitches daily and no one is getting back to you, you need to work on your pitch. It needs to be short, sweet and to the point. After all, you are selling yourself. You can find a free pitch draft here.
  • Invest in your content. If you’re not putting out the very best content, it’s best to not put out anything at all. Double check for typos, ensure photos are clear, etc. This helps establish your credibility.
  • Revisit old partnerships to see what they have in store for 2019. Long-term partnerships are great to establish. It really allows the brand to get to know you and see your ability. It’s also more effective for brands as their product/message gets seen by your audience several times. It’s a win-win. Check-in with brands you’ve worked with in the past and see if there’s any opportunities available!
  • Connect with your audience. Take the time to respond to messages and comments from your followers. You are where you are because of them! Interacting with your audience helps them feel noticed and can go a long way!
  • Document your year. If you’re not doing it already, create an Excel sheet and plug in every partnership you secure along the way. This will help remind you who you’ve worked with, keep track of payments and also help with taxes at the end of the year.


  1. apresenta
    January 18, 2019 / 11:36 pm

    This is such a great post! I have some aggressive goals for my blog year and I found these tips to be very helpful!

  2. January 19, 2019 / 12:46 am

    I definitely need to practice my pitch – and figure out who to pitch too. Thanks for sharing these tips!

  3. January 19, 2019 / 1:27 am

    I def need help with pitching so I am going to check out your draft. Thank you!!

  4. Sarah Cummings
    January 30, 2019 / 6:26 am

    Hi Aly! I am so bad when it comes to planning out content, I get distracted easily. Thanks for sharing helpful tips!

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