6 things to do after your blog post goes live

You just published a blog post, now what? I’m hoping your answer did not fall along the lines of “just sit there and watch the traffic roll in,” because we all know that’s not going to happen.

Creating the content is only half of the work, now that your post is live, you need to work on getting eyes on the work you just produced.

I’m going to be honest, if you are just getting started, this is going to feel like A LOT of work, and it is. BUT once you keep working on this, it will become more natural to you day after day and remember consistency is key here.

Now, let’s jump right in. You just hit publish on your post, now what should you do? Let’s use my blog post, 7 Morning Habits To Set Your Day for A Success as an example/model for this breakdown that I am going to share with you since it’s one of my best performing posts to date.

  1. First thing you want to do after your post goes live is open up Canva and create a few different Pinterest graphics for your post. I switch up the text and/or image to create a variety of content that can be shared. Canva is SUPER easy and really allows for a plug and play for Pinterest graphics. Here’a few examples:
Whether you’re an entrepreneur, blogger, working mom or stay at home mom, these tips will help you start your day off for success so you can conquer your to do list and achieve your goals.
7 Morning Habits to set your day for success – Aly & Co.

2. Once I have my graphics ready to go, I publish them both on my Pinterest board titled, Aly & Co. This is my first stop when pinning my blog posts to help keep me organized, it also helps when I want to go back and re-pin something from my archives. Once you do that, you’ll want to pin your post on several other relevant boards, including group boards. I use Tailwind to help roll out this content in intervals rather than spamming my account. Tailwind also has a featured called Tribes where you can share your posts on a different network.

3. Once I post to Pinterest and schedule a number of posts to roll out over the next few days, I move on to Instagram stories. I usually use one of the Pinterest images, but sometimes I create a new one. I add a swipe up to help drive people to my page and add a highlight on my story.

4. I tweet my blog post. Something creative and quick to help bring attention to the blog post and drive some link clicks. For this post post, I could tweet something like:

What’s missing from your morning routine?

Yo won’t believe how these morning habits changed my life!

5. Facebook. Do not underestimate the power of Facebook. It is my smallest network but it certainly drives decent traffic. Not only do I share the post on my blog page, I also move it through a couple of Facebook groups that I think would find the content appealing.

6. Check those Analytics! Sign up for Google Analytics and monitor your post(s). See what is popular and find out why. If I see a post is picking up in popularity, I will continue to actively push it out to keep the momentum strong. You can also see what networks are responding to your content, and which ones are not.

Even if you have a large following, a strong e-mail list, etc. it’s always important to continue to push out your content through various social networks to keep your audience engaged and expand your reach. I’ve been following this practice on all my posts this year and have seen a significant increase in blog traffic.

Pin me!

1 Comment

  1. July 9, 2020 / 12:44 pm

    Thanks! This is helpful! Found this through our IG group

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