2020 is not over– chase after your dreams

I think we can all agree that 2020 is definitely not what we thought it would be. From COVID, to school closures, to missing friends and family- it’s sure been a bumpy ride. I’ll be the first to admit that I felt very…uninspired… for several months this year. Between anxiety and so many changes in our life, it was hard to stay grounded and focus on the big picture. Happy to say I’ve put that behind me and I’m right back to focusing on my goals and chasing after those dreams.

After I stepped back and stopped worrying about all of the chaos in the world, I was able to focus on the things that make me happy. It had us reevaluating some of our life decisions and focusing on what we really want to do with our spare time?

Live more: worry less

So how do I translate that into business?

When you have a passion for something- you need to run with it. Often times we keep our goals and dreams in the back of our head and don’t take any action. I felt like I was stuck in this place, but if not now, when??

We are half way through the year and it’s not too late to chase after those goals, what do you have to lose? Start up that side hustle you’ve been thinking about the past few years, take that road trip you’ve been putting aside. NOW is the time to take those risks, take action and just live without thinking about all the worries.

Action plan:

Map out those dreams- big or small. It doesn’t matter, a dream is a dream. Find out what it is you want and tell yourself why you want it

Create an action plan. What do you need to do to achieve those dreams? Do you need to work more towards a project, or do you need to step back from that 9 to 5? Whatever it is- create a thorough plan so you know what steps need to be taken to achieve these dreams.

Live it and breathe it. I like to write down my goals- create a fun chart and show why it’s important to me and what I need to do to get there. It’s a visual representation and a great way to see how far you’ve come. Try it out, it does wonders.

Take a look at the next 5 months of this year and take action. Remember, 2020 counts and every decision you make this year will carry you into a stronger, better year in just several months.

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